Photography SDC
Last Saturday morning nine of us, plus Joe who was instructing, made our way to the Anker Valley canoe clubhouse in Hartshill for the theory lectures of the Photography SDC. Our first challenge was to find the place as despite having a post code and a map drawn by Jim we spent 20 minutes driving up and down country lanes. We were finally hailed by Joe at the gate. As we parked we were met by Jim (who drew the
map remember) saying “Oh did you get lost too?” He’d also spotted Nik driving around so we didn’t feel too silly. We settled in to a very cold room with cups of coffee and good humour for comfort. Joe knows his stuff when it comes to cameras and photography so the lectures were full of useful info that isn’t generally included in the course. One good piece of advice was to read the manual that comes with your camera. Never thought of that Doh! . To be honest the technical stuff doesn’t really float my boat but I still learned loads and I’m looking forward to taking the camera somewhere just to concentrate on taking some proper photo’s. We had a visit to the pool last night from a very photogenic scuba diving action man. If anyone would like to see a video of the bottom of the Pingles Pool contact Kev.
Branch Training Activities
Talking of Kev, last night we had another good turnout for the second of four first aid lectures. Every time I listen to one of Kev’s presentations it’s changed slightly (apart from the jokes, they don’t get any better) and different stuff sticks in my head so that’s good. There’s always something new to learn and these lectures are
well worth coming to, not just for diving but for first aid in general. Part 3 starts next Thursday at 8p.m. prompt.
Pool marshal list (Ask the committee for the password!):